Around 60% of what we put on our skin gets absorbed into the body – so it’s important we know what skincare we are using and use only the purest and most effective ingredients available.

OurΒ patients typically come seeking advice on improving their overall skin health as well as specific concerns, such as which types of product combinations they should be using and how to address key skin issues.

Developed in Nice, France, by a scientific board comprising world-leading plastic surgeons, dermatologists, pharmacists, anatamo-pathologists and a Nobel Laureate biologist, UNIVERSKIN is a revolutionary new concept in skincare.

The brand is based around functional dermatology, which aims to restore skin functions and balance.

With UNIVERSKIN, you get yourΒ own tailor-made serum, created in front of you by our team of highly-skilled practitioners from a blend of 19 pharmaceutical grade active ingredients.

The active ingredients all containΒ no chemical preservatives and have been selected based on nearly 40 years of research into medical and scientific data to ensure their clinical efficacy.

These products are not available on the high-street or online and only fromΒ specialist doctors practising in the field of skincare.