Miss Balaratnam of S-Thetics last night co-presented a talk with Mr Nigel Mercer on the synergy between surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures at S-Thetics medical aesthetic clinic in Beaconsfield.
The discussion captured some of the key topics in the industry including emerging trends, how to achieve natural results and demystifying the sometimes overwhelming array of options available in both cosmetic surgery and medicine.
Another key discussion topic centred on patient safety, regulatory issues and the need for patients to thoroughly research any practitioner and treatment.
A number of before and after images were shown which illustrated the results which can be achieved both surgically and non-surgically utilising treatments such as dermal fillers for full face rejuvenation, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and facelifts.
The interactive session featured a Q&A with a number of questions from attendees and an open forum to discuss the range of potential options available from a patient perspective.
Mr Nigel Mercer, MB ChB, ChM, FRCS, FRCPCH, is recognised as one of the UK’s leading facelift surgeons, and holds the prestigious title of President of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS).
Mr Mercer is also the former President of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) and European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (EASAPS).
““Behind every good Plastic Surgeon there should be an expert in Cosmetic Medicine” is the mantra that underpinned the meeting at S-Thetics, in Beaconsfield.
Dr Sherina and I have worked together for years and we have a very good understanding of where our strengths are. The benefit of such a close working relationship is the ability to offer patients the whole spectrum of what is available to improve their concerns, avoiding the risk of patients visiting a singleton practitioner and being advised to have a procedure that is not necessarily the best for their problem.
We hope the audience took away the strength of collaboration and trust that we were putting forward.”
Mr Nigel Mercer, MB ChB, ChM, FRCS, FRCPCH

“It was a pleasure to be invited to the S-Thetics Clinic Beaconsfield and to meet and listen to their special guest speaker, plastic surgeon Mr Nigel Mercer.
The evening was a great success for Miss Sherina Balaratnam and her professional team and was extremely interesting, highlighting many of the facts and important questions before choosing cosmetic plastic surgery.
Mr Nigel Mercer and Miss Balaratnam work together as a fantastic specialist team working in Surgical Cosmetic procedures and Non surgical cosmetic treatments.
I would feel completely safe and at ease in their hands and look forward to visiting S-Thetics for another treatment very soon.”
Michele Brooks – Publisher
The riverside journals
We would like to thank all our guests for attending and Mr Nigel Mercer for his time and expertise.
For further information on Mr Nigel Mercer please visit: